Letter from the Program Director

PictureJosh Brown | Program Director

Dear Kaleidoscope Campers and Families, 

In a time of uncertainty and change, it’s nice to be reminded of certainties every now and then.  For me, Kaleidoscope Camp has always been certain.  Every summer I work at camp with a staff that loves Jesus.  Every summer, kids come to camp to grow closer to the Lord or to give their lives to Him for the first time. Unfortunately, even things with Kaleidoscope Camp have become uncertain in the past few weeks.  Maybe you have something in your life that has been a certainty in the past but has recently become uncertain.

Though we cannot be certain about camp for this summer, we are optimistic that it will happen! We want to give you more certainty in your finances as you plan for the summer. Here is our promise to you:

We are still preparing for Kaleidoscope Camp!  As of right now, our camp schedule has not changed.  We are hiring staff, preparing our camp theme, and aiming to make this summer a blast for our campers!  We realize that through these difficult times, most people are not able to fellowship or get outdoors as much as usual.  Camp can be a great solution to this problem once social distancing requirements are behind us.  Please consider registering for Kaleidoscope Camp today!

Registering for camp is now 100% risk-free!  When you register for Kaleidoscope Camp 2020, you are asked for a $50 deposit to confirm your registration.  We have decided to make these deposits 100% refundable upon request.  This allows you to register for Kaleidoscope Camp with no worry of losing your $50.

And lastly… God is in control.  Our Lord is the certainty that will never change or falter.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  During this time of uncertainty, Kaleidoscope Camp rests in the fact that God’s got this.  He knew that Coronavirus was coming and how it would impact all of us.  He knows what the future holds for Kaleidoscope Camp this summer.  My prayer is that you will join me and the rest of Kaleidoscope Camp and WCRC Staff as we strive to rest in God’s sovereignty.  He holds our future and we are totally ok with that!

I hope these certainties encourage you.

Josh Brown
Program Director

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