Encouragement is the Heart of Our Ministry

I have always been somewhat reluctant to make New Year’s resolutions, but if I did make one this year, I would resolve to be more encouraging to others. You can change someone’s day with a short phrase of affirmation or praise. Encouragement is such a powerful thing.

An encouraging word at the right time can mean the difference between success and failure, hope and despair, perseverance and giving up, and sometimes even life and death.

Encouragement is at the heart of Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center’s ministry.  In a broad sense, we provide this peaceful setting to encourage people to come away from their busy lives, focus on the Lord, and worship and grow.  But in a deeper and more personal sense, our goal is to walk alongside our guests and campers and encourage them to begin or deepen their relationship with Jesus.  

Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center is truly a place of spiritual encouragement.

By supporting WCRC, you give the gift of encouragement.  Our fees only cover a portion of our expenses, so donations are essential to our ongoing ministry.

Would you please consider a year-end, tax deductible gift so that we can continue to provide a place where God changes lives through encouragement?

You can give online, or send a check made payable to WCRC with “Annual Fund” in the memo line.

Thank You! 

Bob Briscoe

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