Thoughts on Hurricane Irene

As you all know, Hurricane Irene blasted through here last Saturday. We were without power until noon Friday. Though we had a number of trees come down, none did any damage to any buildings. We are thankful!

After all is said and done, the transition from having power to not having power and back again is an interesting scenario. Not having power is down-right inconvenient. But, the memories generated can actually outweigh the inconveniences. By the third or fourth day your hands know where to reach for the flashlight, you’ve almost stopped flipping light switches, and you’ve had a memorable time connecting over the fence with neighbors. Time seems to slow down or even stand still.

I call this an involuntary un-plug. We go into it kicking and screaming and wondering how we can survive without our electric-powered conveniences, but we come out of it with fond memories of a more relaxed pace with time to talk to friends.

That of course reminds me of the ministry of WCRC. We like to remind folks that from time to time it is good to un-plug — to disconnect yourself from the busy-ness of life; to slow down and really talk with people, and to get away to a place where you can hear the still small voice of God.

Maybe it’s time for you to unplug. Visit our website and see the different options, or just come by for a cup of coffee and relax on the deck.

We’d love to see you and help you unplug!

Below is a picture of a tree we lost in front of Magnolia Center followed by one of Steve Robertson and James Wight helping to clear the entrance lane.  THANKS!

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