Qualifications for Quintessential Quilting

How the WCRC Quilting Retreats were born

Next week we host our Fall Quilting Retreat. In January 2008, we hosted our first quilting retreat after suggestion from our housekeeper Lorraine Mooney.

Lorraine, an award-winning quilter and quilt teacher, had heard many quilters report on retreats they attended with the guilds they belonged to. A common complaint was that those retreats were closed to people who did not belong to the guilds. Many said that they wished their friends, sisters, mothers, or daughters could have attended.

Lorraine felt there needed to be a quilt retreat open to everyone. She knew that if we hosted one, people would come. And come they did! The quilting retreats grew to two a year and from twenty people to sometimes over eighty. People come from all over: Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Ontario, Canada. Many families reunite at these quilt retreats; many friends travel to meet and fellowship.

Part of the retreat includes devotions. It has delighted Lorraine to see people come again and again for to quilt and finally turn their lives over to Jesus. These quilting retreats further fulfill the mission of WCRC to provide a place for people to meet and learn about God.

Please pray for our quilting retreat this year, for traveling safeties, good fellowship, health, and spiritual growth.

Visit our Quilting Retreat Event Page for more information, or call Josh Brown at 757-566-2256 to register.

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